CREATION OF LANGUAGE LEARNING COURSES for professional purposes and multimedia support (Moodle) for professional qualification officially recognized in Europe
The main objective that encourages us is to work for the improvement of quality and efficiency in professional education officially recognized in the field of professional qualification of the language at European level, as recommended by national and European guidelines, namely : (a) Report of the National Qualifications Institute - INCUAL-, (b) the Royal Decree project dated 03/27/2006, which regulates the educational system for the employment of professionals, and (c) the working document "Study on the training needs of the languages of the Community in the framework of professional education", prepared in December 2002 by the National Employment Institute.
Undoubtedly, the lack of consensus in establishing equivalence levels in relation to language knowledge is one of the main problems of the Language Council Division of the European Council in order to certify the level of linguistic knowledge of the members of the European Union regarding the benefits required in the job professions that demand it.
For this reason, our technological development, innovation and technology transfer project (Business Research Groups) is based on the creation of language learning courses for professional purposes, with online (Moodle) and multimedia support, following the aforementioned European lines previously. The language courses would be aimed at English, French, Portuguese and Italian, while the work areas (due to the interests of our Autonomous Community) are commerce and the hotel tourism sector.
The basis on which we specify the proposed objectives can be summarized as follows:
(1) The need to adapt the linguistic competence linked to specific occupations, making the existing offer adequate to meet European legislative requirements on this subject and its environments.
(2) The suitability derived from the creation of online and multimedia courses would allow an extension of language training equivalences so that the many professionals and users who express their interest, regardless of their geographical location or incompatibility with work schedules, They can follow the instructions offered.
(3) The design and development of courses through information technologies will serve a large group of technologically prepared professionals in the sector, a fundamental skill for European staff, in a transversal way.