Borralho, J. M., Gallardo-Vázquez, D., Hernández-Linares, R. (2020). Earnings management in private family versus non-family firms. The moderating effect of family business generation. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 49:2, 210-233, DOI: 10.1080/02102412.2019.1616480
Borralho, J. M., Gallardo-Vázquez, D., Hernández-Linares, R., Paiva, I. (2020). The effect of corporate governance factors on the quality of financial reporting in family and non-family firms. Revista de Contabilidad Spanish Accounting Review, 23(2), 167-179.
Fielden Burns, L., Rico, M. & Naranjo, M. J. (2020). Flipped Classrooms: Making Them Work For Foreign Language Students. Diacrítica, 34(1), 336-354.
Hernández-Linares, R., Kellermanns, F.W. and López-Fernández, M.C. (2020). Dynamic capabilities and SME performance: The moderating effect of market orientation. Journal of Small Business Management, doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12474.
Hernández-Linares, R., Kellermanns, F.W., López-Fernández, M.C. and Sarkar, S. (2020). The effect of socioemotional wealth on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and family business performance. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 23(3), 174-192.
Hernández-Linares, R., López-Fernández M. C. (2020). Entrepreneurial orientation, learning orientation, market orientation, and organizational performance: Family firms versus non-family firms. European Journal of Family Business, 10(1), 6-18.
Naranjo Sánchez M.J., Rico, M, Salguero-Serrat, J, Sánchez, Claudia, Sánchez, H. (2020). La mediación y la interacción oral a través de la simulación en entornos de ciencias de la salud. Twenty-seventh International Conference on Learning. Valencia, España.
Obeso, M., Hernández-Linares, R., López-Fernández, M.C. and Serrano-Bedia, A.M. (2020). Knowledge management processes and organizational performance: the mediating role of organizational learning. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(8), 1859-1880.
Pérez-Pérez, M., & Hernández-Linares, R. (2020). Commitment to learning, knowledge and strategic renewal: Do family firms manage them differently? In: Saiz-Álvarez, J. M., Leitão, J., & Palma-Ruiz, M. (editores): Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality– Surviving and Flourishing in the Long Term (pp. 177-203). Springer: Méjico. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15526-1
Salguero-Serrat, J., Naranjo Sánchez, M. J., Sánchez Durán, C., Sánchez, H. & Rico, M. (2020). Desarrollo de una aplicación t-learning para el aprendizaje de idiomas. Twenty-seventh International Conference on Learning. Valencia, España.
Salguero-Serrat, J., Sánchez Durán, C., Naranjo Sánchez, M. J., Fielden, L. & Sánchez, H. (2020). Herramienta de Autor para la Creación y Corrección de Contenido Educativo para la Televisión Híbrida. 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI’2020).
Sánchez Durán, C., Naranjo Sánchez, M. J., Salguero-Serrat, J., Domínguez, E. M. & Rico, M. (2020). Imagen y diseño en entornos virtuales para la creación de contenidos digitales a través de diferentes formatos de vídeo con fines educativos. Twenty-seventh International Conference on Learning. Valencia, España.
Alonso-Díaz, L, Delicado, G., & Ramos, F. (2019). A Comparative Study of Bilingual Teacher Preparation Programs in California and Spain. En B. G. G. Johannessen (Ed.), Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: Politics, Policies and Practices in a Globalized Society (pp. 81-101).
Curado, A. (2019). Corpus Use in Different ESP Contexts for Writing and Evaluation: Some Issues and Observations. Focus on Learning: Contribution to the Field of ESP, 11-19.
Hernández-Linares, R., López-Fernández, M. C.,& Fielden, L. V. (2019). The moderating effect of the family firm status on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and SMEs performance. An empirical study in Portugal. In: Teixeira, N. M., Gomes da Costa, T., & Lisboa, I. M. (editors): Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Internationalization, (pp. 102-132) IGI Global: Portugal. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8479-7.
Hernández-Linares, R., López-Fernández, M. C., Naranjo-Sánchez, M. J., & Fielden, L. V. (2019). Affective and emotional determinants of entrepreneurial orientation within family firms. In: Saiz-Álvarez, J. M. (editor): Handbook of Research on Digital Marketing Innovations in Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics, (pp. 157-181) IGI Global: Méjico. DOI: 10.
Naranjo, M. J. (2019). English for Occupational Purposes through Second Life: promoting interaction, and professional training. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 6, No. 4. Doi: 10.30845/ijll.v6n4p3
Naranjo, M. J. (2019). Getting smart: a cloud-based adaptive LMS for the acquisition of oral interaction in English for professional purposes. 19th International AELFE conference. Pamplona, España
Naranjo, M. J., Rico, M., Sánchez, H. & Salguero-Serrat, J. (2019). Adaptative Smart TV as a Social Language Learning Platform. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2019).
Naranjo, M. J. & Salguero-Serrat, J. (2019). Acquisition of English for Vocational Purposes through Active Learning Approaches with ICT. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI). Vol. 08. No. 9. ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714
Rico, M. & Fielden Burns, L. (2019) Intercultural communication in engineering studies: a key competence in global labour markets, European Journal of Engineering Education, DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2019.1654980
Rico, M., Fielden, L. & Sánchez, H. (2019). Promoting social inclusion for migrant populations through media, technologies and languages. The JALT CALL Journal, 15(3), 3-22.
Rico, M., Naranjo, M. J. & Fielden, L. (2019). The learning design for mediation training through online environments: getting to the fifth language skill. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2019).
Rico, M., Silva, P. F. da, & Fielden, L. V. (2019). English for Occupational Purposes: Transference, Expectations and Failures. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10(1), 11-22.
Salguero-Serrat, J., Sánchez, H. & Macías Macías, M. (2019). Desarrollo de un sistema inteligente para la reducción del uso de herbicidas en campos de cereal. II Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Agroalimentarias, Almería, España.
Salguero-Serrat, J., Sánchez, H., Naranjo, M.J., Rico, M. & Agudo, J.E. (2019). STVALL: HbbTV Based Adaptive System for English Learning through Interactive TV. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1520-1525). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 10, 2019 from
Stanley, L., Hernández-Linares, R., López-Fernández, M. C., & Kellermmans, F. W. (2019). A typology of family firms: An Investigation of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance. Family Business Review. DOI:
Valenzuela-Valdés, J. F., Luna, F., Padilla, P., Padilla, J. L., Luque-Baena, R., & Agudo, J. E. (2019). Securing and Greening Wireless Sensor Networks with Beamforming. Mobile Networks and Applications, 24(2), 712-720.
Alonso-Díaz, L., Cubo-Delgado, S., Gutiérrez-Esteban, P., Yuste-Tosina, R., & Delicado-Puerto, G. (2018). Digital training in intercultural education for teacher training: analysis of an innovative experience. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, 28(1), 99-112.
Burns, Laura V. Fielden, & García, M. R. (2018). Qualitative data for examining fixed and incremental concepts of language learning: A search for the stories behind students’ motivation. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), 121-130.
Curado, A. (2018). DDL integration in different EAP scenarios of academic writing. Encuentro, 27, 157-172.
Curado, A. (2018). LSP in Multidisciplinary Contexts of Teaching and Research. Proceedings. EPIC Series in Language and Linguistics Vol. 3.
Fielden, L., García, M. R., & Linares, R. H. (2018). The growth of EMI tertiary programs in Spain: novel approaches to developing linguistic competence in instructors. EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics, 3, 40-46.
Fielden, L., & Rico, M. (2018). Attribution Theories in Language Learning Motivation: Success in Vocational English for Hospitality Students. English Language Teaching, 11(11), p44.
Gutiérrez-Esteban, P., Yuste-Tosina, R., Delicado-Puerto, G., Arias-Masa, J., & Martín-Espada, R. (2018). Synchronous virtual tools to develop and evaluate cooperative learning in an online learning community. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, 28(2), 115-129.
Hernández-Linares, R., Kellermanns, F. W., & López-Fernández, M. C. (2018). A note on the relationship between learning, market, and entrepreneurial orientations in family and nonfamily firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 9(3), 192-204.
Hernández-Linares, R., & López-Fernández, M. C. (2018). Entrepreneurial orientation and the family firm: Mapping the field and tracing a path for future research. Family Business Review, 31(3), 318-351.
Hérnandez-Linares, R. H., Naranjo, M. J., Sánchez, H., Rico, M., Burns, L. F., & Agudo, J. E. (2018). Firm Performance: Does Mastering a Foreign Language Matter? EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics, 3, 117-123.
Hernández-Linares, R., Sarkar. S., & Cobo, M. J. (2018). Inspecting the Achilles heel: A quantitative analysis of 50 years of family business definitions. Scientometrics, 115(2), 929–951.
Naranjo, M. J., Fielden, L. & Rico, M. (2018). Flipping the classroom: making it work for foreign language students. 3ª conferencia Internacional techLING. Lisboa, Portugal
Naranjo, M. J., Fielden, L. & Rico, M. (2018). Employability and lifelong training through ICT problem based learning. 36º Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA). Cádiz, España
Naranjo, M. J., Fielden, L. & Rico, M. (2018). Language skills for decision makers in SMEs: A look at Spain. 36º Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA). Cádiz, España
Naranjo, M. J., Fielden, L. & Rico, M. (2018). Textbooks gaps in ESP for medicine. XII INTERNATIONAL AELFE CONFERENCE. Madrid, España
Naranjo, M. J., Rico García, M. & Ferreira Da Silva, P. (2018). Language and culture for migrants through ICT and media educational pills. In: Alejandro Curado (editor). LSP in Multi-disciplinary contexts of Teaching and Research. Papers from the 16th International AELFE Conference, vol 3, pages 138-143
Álvarez, W. F. G., Santamaría, H. S., & García, M. R. (2017). Flipped Classroom and Problem-Based-Learning in Higher Education. 2017 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science (INCISCOS), 260-267.
Burns, Laura Victoria Fielden, & García, M. R. (2017). Culture and motivation in English for hospitality students: Why integrative motivation may be essential. Revista de Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 23(2), 334-358.
Burns, L. V. F., & García, M. R. (2017). Comparative Language Learning Beliefs: Why Aptitude Matters. Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 1(2), 129.
Curado Fuentes, A. (2017). Form-Focused Data-Driven Learning for Grammar Development in ESP Contexts. Revista de Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 23(1), 12-30.
Espada, R. M., Masa, J. A., Delgado, S. C., Puerto, G. D., Esteban, P. G., Alonso-Díaz, L., & Tosina, R. Y. (2017). A WAY TO MEASURE COMPLEX CONCEPTS RELATIONSHIPS WHEN USING DIGITAL STORYTELLING. Electronic Scientific Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, 0(3), 36-42.
Grajera-Aranda, E., & Hernández-Linares, R. (2017). La orientación emprendedora en las empresas familiares emeritenses. In: F. Matías, J. A. C. Santos, C. Afonso, C. Baptistas, C. M.Q. Ramos, & M. C. Santos (eds.), Estudos de Gestão e Empreendedorismo (pp. 487-506). Faro (Portugal): Universidade do Algarve.
Hernández-Linares, R., Sarkar, S., López-Fernández, M. C. (2017). How has the family firm literature addressed its heterogeneity through classification systems? An integrated analysis. European Journal of Family Business, 7(1-2), 1-13.
Macías, M. M., Orellana, C. J. G., Velasco, H. M. G., Manso, A. G., Garzón, J. E. A., & Santamaría, H. S. (2017). Gas sensor measurements during the initial action period of duty-cycling for power saving. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 239, 1003-1009.
Naranjo, M., Rico, M., Fielden, L. V. & Hernandez, R. (2017). Content and language instruction at the crossroads: Challenges for integrated learning at Higher Education. VIII Postgraduate Conference Management, hospitality and tourism ESGHT2017. Faro, Portugal.
Noskova, T., Pavlova, T., Yakovleva, O., Gutiérrez-Esteban, P., Martín-Espada, R., Cubo-Delgado, S., … Yuste-Tosina, R. (2017). Some Trends of ICT Tools Application by Teachers: A Comparative Study of Russian and Spanish Experience. Recuperado de
Reports: Report on the Implementation of Work Package 5 “Pilot Methodology Development” in the Framework of the IRNet Project. (2017). International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 3(1), 127-159.
Sánchez, H., González-Contreras, C., Agudo, J. E., & Macías, M. (2017). IoT and iTV for Interconnection, Monitoring, and Automation of Common Areas of Residents. Applied Sciences, 7(7), 696.
Agudo, Juan Enrique, Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2016). Design and Assessment of Adaptive Hypermedia Games for English Acquisition in Preschool. J. UCS, 22, 161-179.
Agudo, J. E., Valenzuela-Valdés, J.F., Luna, F., Luque-Baena, R.M.,& Padilla, P. Analysis of beamforming for improving the energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks with metaheuristics (2016). Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 5 (3), 199–206.
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Alonso-Díaz, Laura, Gutiérrez-Esteban, P., Delicado- Puerto, G., Yuste-Tosina, R., Cubo Delgado, S., & Arias-Masa, J. (2016). E-PORTFOLIO: OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR A NEW LEARNING CULTURE. Recuperado de
Alonso-Díaz, Laura, Tosina, R. Y., Puerto, G. D., Delgado, S. C., Esteban, P. G., & Masa, J. A. (2016). A MODEL TO ASSESS ONLINE LEARNING: ANALYSIS AND PROPOSAL. Electronic Scientific Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, 0(2), 1-5.
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Hernández- Linares, R., Sánchez, H., Agudo, J. E., & Rico, M. (2016). Chronos: A tool to develop time management competence among engineering students. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25 (1), 79-89.
Herrera, N. H., Santamaría, H. S., Macías, M. M., & Gómez, E. (2016). Analysis of the factors generating vehicular traffic in the city of Quito and its relation to the application of sensorial and social data with big data as a basis for decision making. 2016 Third International Conference on eDemocracy eGovernment (ICEDEG), 133-137.
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Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2015). Diseño del Sistema de Garantía Interno de Calidad y Acreditación de títulos en ingenierías específicas. Revista Tecnológica - ESPOL, 28(5). Recuperado de
Rico García, M. M., & Agudo Garzón, J. E. (2016). Aprendizaje móvil de inglés mediante juegos de espías en Educación Secundaria. RIED: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 19(1), 121-139.
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Agudo-Garzón, J. E., Valenzuela-Valdés, J. F., Luna-Valero, F., Luque-Baena, R. M., & Padilla-de-la-Torre, P. (2015). Análisis del conformado del haz para optimizar el consumo energético en redes de sensores usando metaheurísticas. Recuperado de
Beltrán, Jéfferson, Sánchez, H., & Rico, M. (2015). Análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo del aprendizaje de Programación I en la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Revista Tecnológica - ESPOL, 28(5). Recuperado de
Curado, A. (2015). Exploiting keywords in a DDL approach to the comprehension of news texts by lower-level students. Multiple Affordances of Language Corpora for Data-driven Learning, 177-198.
Delicado, G., & Vázquez, V. P. (2015). La implantación de titulaciones bilingües en la Educación Superior: el caso de la formación didáctica del profesorado bilingüe de primaria en la Universidad de Extremadura. Educación y futuro: revista de investigación aplicada y experiencias educativas, (32), 35-64.
García, M. R., Garzón, J. E. A., & Santamaría, H. S. (2015). Language learning through handheld gaming: a case study of an English course with engineering students. Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 21, no. 10, 1362-1378. Recuperado de
Garzón, J. E. A., García, M. M. R., & Santamaría, H. S. (2015). Multimedia games for fun and learning English in preschool. 22. Digital Education Review, 27. Recuperado de
Hernández-Linares, R., Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2015). Transversal competences of university students of engineering. Croatian Journal of Education, 17(2), 383-409.
Hernandez-Linares, R., Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2015). Transverzalne kompetencije studenata strojarstva. Croatian Journal of Education : Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 17(2), 383-409.
Naranjo, M. J., Linares, R. H., Rico, M., & Garzón, J. E. A. (2015). Street marketing: aprendizaje multidisciplinar a través de como herramienta de aprendizaje colaborativo y evaluación formativa. Tendencias emergentes en evaluación formativa y compartida: : IX Congreso Internacional de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida en Docencia Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Universitaria, celebrado en Santander del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2015., 2015, ISBN 978-84-8102-761-7. Presentado en Tendencias emergentes en evaluación formativa y compartida: : IX Congreso Internacional de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida en Docencia Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Universitaria, celebrado en Santander del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2015. Recuperado de
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Agudo, J. E., Hernandez-Linares, R., Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2014). Seguimiento y autoevaluación en el aula universitaria con una Tablet PC. Revista Complutense de Educación, 25(2), 313-336.
Agudo, J. E., Pedro J.Pardo, Sánchez, H., Pérez, Á. L., & Suero, M. I. (2014). A Low-Cost Real Color Picker Based on Arduino. Sensors, 14(7), 11943–11956.
Curado, A. (2014). Learning the integration of DDL in Secondary Education EFL teaching: The importance of ESP. Proceedings of the 12th AELFE Conference “Lenguas para Fines Específicos: Multilingüismo y TIC’s. / A Roadmap for Languages for Specific Purposes: Multilingualism and ICT’s, 135-139.
Curado, A. (2014). Reseña de Statistical Methods for Language and Linguistic Research. Ibérica, 28, 248-250.
Curado, A. (2014). Writing for e-academic purposes: Synchronous and asynchronous level. Actas do XI Congreso Internacional da Associaçao de Línguas para Fins Específicos (AELFE), 134-145.
Macías, M. M., Agudo, J. E., Manso, A. G., Orellana, C. J. G., Velasco, H. M. G., & Caballero, R. G. (2014). Improving Short Term Instability for Quantitative Analyses with Portable Electronic Noses. Sensors, 14(6), 10514–10526.
Palma, D., Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., & Macías, M. M. (2014). An Internet of Things Example: Classrooms Access Control over Near Field Communication. Sensors, 14(4), 6998–7012.
Rico, Mercedes, Naranjo, M. J., Delicado, G., Dominguez Gómez, E., & Plaza, N. (2014). Let´s move: mobile learning for motivation in language acquisition. 7th International Conference on ICT for Language Learning. Presentado en Florence. Florence.
Vaca, J. M., Agudo, J. E., & Sánchez, H. (2014). Evaluación de prácticas de programación mediante rúbricas en Moodle. JENUI 2014. Presentado en Oviedo, España. Oviedo, España.
Agudo, J. E., Hernandez-Linares, R., Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2013). Competencias Transversales: Percepción de su desarrollo en el Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos. Formación Universitaria, 6, 39-50.
Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., Rico, M., Hernández-Linares, R., & Domínguez, E. (2013). Assessment of Transversal Competences through Social Networks. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1187-1189.
Amaya, P., Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., Rico, M., & Hernández-Linares, R. (2013). Educational e-portfolios: Uses and Tools. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1169-1173.
Curado, A. (2013). Keyword-based corpora tasks for news Reading comprehension. TALC’10: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Teaching and Language Corpora, 85-90.
Ferreira da Silva, P., Naranjo Sánchez, M. J., & Rico, M. (2013). HANDS OFF! – GRAFFITI AS A MEANS OF EXPRESSION OF A WORLD IN CONFLICT. PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS IN CLASS ANALYSIS. 10th International Conference on Semiotics. Presentado en Volos. Volos.
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Rico, M, Naranjo, M. J., Delicado, G., Agudo, J. E., Dominguez Gómez, E., & Plaza, N. (2013). GOOD PRACTICES AROUND LANGUAGES, CULTURE AND MEDIA FOR MIGRANT LEARNERS. 6th International Conference on ICT for Language Learning. Presentado en Florencia. Florencia.
Rico, Mercedes, Coppens, J., Ferreira, P., Sánchez, H., & Agudo, J. E. (2013). Everything Matters: Development of Cross-Curricular Competences in Engineering Through Web 2.0 Social Objects. En D. G. Sampson, P. Isaias, D. Ifenthaler, & J. M. Spector (Eds.), Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning in the Digital Age (pp. 139-157).
Vaca, J. M., Agudo, J. E., & Rico, M. (2013). Evaluando competencias en ingeniería: un eportfolio basado en Moodle. SINTICE 2013, 67-74. Madrid, España.
Aguado de Cea, G. & Curado, A. (2012). ESP in Spain: Goals, Achievements and Prospects. ASP, la revue du GERAS, 62, 91-107.
Curado, A. (2012). Grados de comunicación síncrona y asíncrona en la red: El discurso académico crítico y evaluativo. Del yo al nosotros. Los discursos y la comunicación en la colectividad digital, 142-163.
Delicado Puerto, G. (2012). Reseña. Enrique Barcia Mendo y José Soto Vázquez. Glosario de Literatura infantil y Juvenil. Algunas aportaciones desde Extremadura. Mérida: Plan de Fomento de la Lectura. Junta de Extremadura, 94 págs. Impossibilia, revista de la Universidad de Granada, Nº.3, págs. 262-265. ISSN: 2174-2464
Delicado, G., Gloria Vélez-Rendón (2012). “The key to a successful study abroad program: Experiential learning and blogs”. Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association, News Online, Indiana Board of Education, Fall, Pp. 16-33.
Delicado Puerto, G. (2012). Aprender inglés en el museo: Propuesta de tarea trasversal para el aula de inglés de ESO.” Odisea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses. Número 13, Diciembre. págs. 157-176.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Agudo, J. E., & Sánchez, H. (2012). Supporting mobile learning through interactive video: ViMoLe. Recuperado de
Naranjo Sánchez, M. J., Gómez, E. D., & Coppens, J. (2012). Visual customization of Moodle interface as a communication tool for e-learning based language courses. I SPY Conference. Presentado en Cham. Cham.
Naranjo Sánchez, M. J., Rico, M., Ferreira, P., & Coppens, J. (2012). “Get networked and spy your languages”. EUROCALL. Presentado en Suecia. Suecia.
Rico, Mercedes, Ferreira, P., Naranjo Sánchez, M. J., Agudo Garzón, J. E., Sánchez Santamaria, H., & Dominguez Gómez, E. (2012). An impossible mission? ISPY, a network platform for language learning through spy games. IADIS. Presentado en Lisboa. Lisboa.
Vaca, J. M., Agudo, J. E., & Rico, M. (2012). Adaptive competence-based system in an e-learning platform. ICALT 2012, 720-721. Roma, Italia: IEEE.
Vaca, J. M., & García, S. (2012). Gestión de documentos on-line en Moodle con repositorios y portafolios. Moodlemoot Spain. Presentado en Villaviciosa de Odón, España. Villaviciosa de Odón, España.
Agudo, J. E., & Fyfe, C. (2011). Reinforcement Learning for the N-Persons Iterated Prisoners’ Dilemma. En Y. Wang, Y. Cheung, P. Guo, & Y. Wei (Eds.), Seventh International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011 (pp. 472-476). Sanya, Hainan, China: IEEE.
Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., Sánchez, H., & Valor, M. (2011). Registro de Aprendizaje Móvil en Moodle mediante Servicios Web. IEEE-RITA (Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje), 6, 95-102.
Curado, A. (2011). Academic corpus integration in MT and application to LSP teaching. New Trends in Corpora and Language Learning, 139-152.
Curado, A. (2011). Corpus-based Approaches to ELT. Book Review. Ibérica, 21, 174-178.
Curado, A. (2011). On-line Reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition problems: A keyword approach. La investigación y la enseñanza aplicadas a las lenguas de especialidad y a la tecnología, 326-334.
Curado, A. (2011). Speech recognition for pre-elementary school language learning. Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, 221-226.
Curado, A. & Garay Serrano, M. (2011). Corpus encoding and integration for English-Spanish MT. Explorations across Languages and Corpora, 389-401.
Delicado Puerto, G. (2011). Ansiedad ante el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa y El viaje del inglés de Carme Riera. Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación, Nº. 10 , págs. 29-37.
Delicado, G. (2011) Santas y meretrices: herederas de la Magdalena en la literatura de los Siglos de Oro y la escena inglesa. Reichenberger: Kassel. ISBN 9783937734859. Depósito legal: Z-2247-2011.
Delicado, G. (2011). Los españoles y el inglés: Entrevista a Carme Riera. Conferencia en Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, febrero 2010. Gemma Delicado Puerto. Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación, ISSN 1988-8430, Nº. 10, págs. 38-42
Delicado, G., Tánit Fernández de la Reguera. (2011) Francisco Ayala en EE.UU: recuerdos y delicias de Chicago. De este mundo y los otros: estudios sobre Francisco Ayala / Luis García Montero (ed. lit.), Milena Rodríguez Gutiérrez (ed. lit.), Visor: Madrid, 2011. ISBN 9788498951318, págs. 263-276
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Agudo, J. E., Ferreira, P., & Rico, M. (2011). Language learning resources and developments in the Second Life metaverse. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(5), 496 – 509.℡.2011.042101
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Agudo, J. E., & Sánchez, H. (2011). Tailored training in mobility: interactive video and device-specific usage patterns. ICALT 2011, 652–653. Athens, USA: IEEE.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Sánchez, H., & Agudo, J. E. (2011). Personalizing the online video intake in an ubiquitous language learning scenario. UMAP Adjunct Proceedings, 16–18. Girona, España: UMAP.
Generelo-Pérez, M. G., Agudo, J. E., & Rico, M. (2011). Competence-based portfolio for Primary Education. London, UK.
Vaca, J. M. (2011a). La necesidad de la comunicación en un sistema e-learning. Comunicación Social y Educación. Presentado en Cáceres, España. Cáceres, España.
Vaca, J. M. (2011b). Módulos externos útiles para profesores y alumnos. Moodlemoot Spain. Presentado en Donosti, España. Donosti, España.
Vaca, J. M. (2011c). Portfolio de evaluación basado en competencias. Moodlemoot Spain. Presentado en Donosti, España. Donosti, España.
Vaca, J. M., Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., & Sánchez, H. (2011). Online Language Adaptive Learning. UMAP Adjunct Proceedings, 49-51. Girona, España: UMAP.
Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., Ferreira, P., & Sánchez, H. (2010). E-learning solutions for foreign language certification in EU professions (Vol. 1; J. Cordeiro, B. Shiskov, A. Verbraek, & M. Helfert, eds.). Valencia, Spain: INSTICC.
Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., & Rico, M. (2010). Playing Games on the Screen: Adapting Mouse Interaction at Early Ages. Advanced Learning Technologies, IEEE International Conference on, 493-497.
Curado, A. (2010). A Comparison of field and L1 influence on non-native writers. Europäischen Gesellschaft für Fachsprache, 48-53.
Curado, A. (2010). An Approach to Corpus-Based Language and Multi-modal features in communicative exchanges at an early age for adapted hypermedia content design. Language Value, 27-50.
Delicado, G., Gómez, E. D., Vaca, J. M., & Sánchez, H. (2010). Language multimedia blended courses as motivation-enhancers for immigrant students. Fourteenth International CALL Conference. Presentado en Antwerp, Bélgica. Antwerp, Bélgica: Linguapolis.
Delicado, G., Gómez, I., Paín Arias, M. A., Vaca, J. M., & Ferreira, P. (2010). Promoting collaborative languages for specific purposes through an experience of tele-tandem learning at university. Eurocall 2010. Presentado en Burdeos, Francia. Burdeos, Francia: Université de Bordeaux.
Dominguez-Noriega, S. (2010). Second Life en el aprendizaje de idiomas y la interacción social. Congreso de Comunicación Social y Educación. Presentado en Cáceres (SPAIN). Cáceres (SPAIN): University of Extremadura.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., & Ferreira, P. (2010a). Educational experiences in language learning and pedagogical tools testing in Second Life. Presentado en (online) Second Life. (online) Second Life: Avalon Learning.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., & Ferreira, P. (2010b). Educational experiences in language learning and pedagogical tools testing in Second Life. SLANGUAGES 2010. Presentado en (online). (online): Avalon Learning.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Vaca, J. M., Agudo, J. E., & Ferreira, P. (2010). Enriching students´ virtual learning tasks: multimedia tests in Second Life. Kortrijk, BÉLGICA.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Vaca, J. M., Agudo, J. E., Delicado, G., & Gómez, E. D. (2010). Automating avatars in second life, educational insights and applications (Vol. 1; J. Cordeiro, B. Shiskov, A. Verbraek, & M. Helfert, eds.). INSTICC.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Vaca, J. M., Ferreira, P., & Rico, M. (2010). An educational interface based on interactive slideshows. Freiburg, Germany: IADIS.
Dominguez-Noriega, S., Vaca, J. M., Sánchez, H., & Rico, M. (2010). Moving forward on education with Second Life: viability and challenges. En P. Kommers & P. Isaías (Eds.), IADIS E-Society 2010 Proceedings (pp. 499-502). Porto, PORTUGAL: IADIS.
Ferreira, P., Rico, M., Dominguez-Noriega, S., Agudo, J. E., & Delicado, G. (2010). Reinventing Bots automated avatars for language interaction in Second Life. Eurocall 2010, 88. Burdeos, Francia: Université de Bordeaux.
Ferreira, P., Rico, M., Edwards, P., & Dominguez-Noriega, S. (2010a). Let´s talk together: developing communicative competence through avatar interaction in virtual worlds. Fourteenth International CALL Conference, 73–76. Antwerp, Bélgica: Linguapolis.
Ferreira, P., Rico, M., Edwards, P., & Dominguez-Noriega, S. (2010b). Let´s talk together: developing communicative competence through avatar interaction in virtual worlds. Fourteenth International CALL Conference. Presentado en Amberes, BELGIUM. Amberes, BELGIUM.
Generelo-Pérez, M. G., Escobar, A. A., Agudo, J. E., & Rico, M. (2010). Portafolio electrónico basado en competencias para Educación Primaria. Valencia (Spain).
Vaca, J. M., Dominguez-Noriega, S., Agudo, J. E., & Ferreira, P. (2010). Making the most of Moodle for the design of language courses. En P. Kommers & P. Isaías (Eds.), IADIS E-Society 2010 Proceedings (pp. 495-498). Porto, PORTUGAL: IADIS.
Vaca, J. M., Dominguez-Noriega, S., Agudo, J. E., & Delicado, G. (2010). Innovative solutions for tutoring blended Moodle for language teaching (Z. Wati, I. Jung, & J. Luca, eds.). Penang, Malaysia: AACE.
Vaca, J. M., Dominguez-Noriega, S., Delicado, G., & Gómez, I. (2010). Delivering Adventure: Moodle games for foreign language learning. Kortrijk, BÉLGICA.
Agudo, J. E., Branki, C., Cross, B., Díaz, G., Dorloff, F.-D., Ortiz, G., … Unland, R. (Eds.). (2009). Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce - Proceedings of TAMoCo 2009, 16-17 September 2009, Mérida, Spain (Vol. 201). IOS Press.
Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., Edwards, P., & Sánchez, H. (2009). Personalization in Hypermedia Language Assessment. En J. Cordeiro, B. Shishkov, A. Verbraeck, & M. Helfert (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education (pp. 123-126). Lisboa, Portugal: INSTICC Press.
Curado, A. (2009). Lingüística de corpus y discursos especializados: Puntos de mira. Ibérica, Revista de AELFE, 18, 174-176.
Curado, A. (2009). A Case Study Corpus for Academic English Writing by NNS Authors. A Survey of Corpus-based Research, 1011-1114.
Curado, A. & Agudo, J. E. (2009).Oral Development for LSP via Open Source Tools. Scripta Manent. Journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers, 29-40.
Curado, A., Edwards, P. & Rico, M. (2009).Corpus-based Information and Adaptive Hypermedia Content for L2 Learning in Children. Exploring Corpus-Based Research in English Language Teaching, 56,67.
Delicado, G. (2009) Venciendo miedos en la enseñanza de inglés a adultos: un caso práctico: la ciudad, sus leyendas y los espacios web. Tejuelo, Revista de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, 4. págs. 56-73.
Edwards, P., Rico, M., Domínguez, M. & Agudo, J. E. (2009). Second Language E-Learning and Professional Training with Second Life. Collective Intelligence and E-Learning 2.0: Implications of Web-Based Communities and Networking, 1, 207-227.
Gómez Rey, I., Hernádez García, E. & Rico, M. (2009). Moodle en la enseñanza presencial y mixta del inglés en contextos universitarios. Revista Iberoamérica de Educación a Distancia (RIED), 12(1), 169-193.
Sánchez, H., Agudo, J. E., & Rico, M. (2009). Adaptive Learning Using Moodle And Handheld Devices. Proceeding of the 2009 conference on Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce: Proceedings of TAMoCo 2009, 27–35. Recuperado de
Vaca, J. M., Agudo, J. E., Rico, M., Ferreira, P., & Sanz, C. (2009). Personalización de Moodle en ámbitos educativos. En III Jornada de Intercambio de experiencias Moodle: Moodlemoot Euskadi 2009 (Universidad de Deusto, Vol. 1). Recuperado de
Agudo, J.E., Rico, M., Curado, A. & Sánchez, H. (2008). Language Learning in the Palm of Your Hand. Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, 113-116.
Curado, A. (2008). Book review: Giovanni Parodi (ed.) Linguistics and Language for Special Purposes: Different Points of View. Valparaíso, Chile: Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, 2007, 460 pp. Discourse Studies, 10, 813-815.
Curado, A. & Agudo, J. E. (2008). Integrated Oral FL Development in Moodle. Open Source in Education and Language Learning Online, 179-197.
Curado, A., Edwards, P., Rico, M. & Sánchez, H. (2008). Corpora and Stylesheets for Context-based MT and LSP. Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference, 85-90.
Delicado, G.,(2008). Breve estudio sobre la influencia de la History of Spanish Literature de George Ticknor en manuales posteriores: aparición y desaparición de las mujeres en el canon literario. Tejuelo, Revista de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, 3, págs. 77-88.
Delicado, G., (2008). Lozana and Mary Magdalen: Ekphrasis and Hagiography in Francisco Delicado’s La lozana andaluza. Celebrations and connections in Hispanic Literature. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 125-142. Hispanismo español en los EE.UU.: nuevas perspectivas críticas. Gemma Delicado Puerto, José Soto Vázquez. Tejuelo, Revista de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura 3. Pags. 4-5.
Delicado, G., (2008). Lozana and Mary Magdalen: Ekphrasis and Hagiography in Francisco Delicado’s La lozana andaluza. Celebrations and connections in Hispanic Literature. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 125-142.
Delicado, G., (2008). J. Swift, H. Melville y un cuento de Ana Lidia Vega: prostitución y metáforas de la migración. Tejuelo, Revista de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, 2 (2008), págs. 34-46.
Edwards, P., Rico, M., Curado, A., Agudo, J. E., Paín, M. A. & Sánchez, H. (2008). The SHAIEX Project: Principles and Practice for Multimedia Foreign Language Learning in Pre-school. EuroCALL Review, 13, 7-10.
Rico, M., Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., & Curado, A. (2008). Language Learning in the Palm of Your Hand. Proceedings of the 2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, 113–115.℡.2008.9
Rico, M., Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H. & Curado, A. (2008). Language Learning in the Palm of your Hand. Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, 113-115.
Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., Domínguez, E. & Curado. A. (2007). Servidor inteligente para la selección adaptativa de tareas educativas. Actas del Simposio Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la Educación, 207-215.
Curado, A. (2007). A Corpus-based Evaluation of Non-Native English Graduate Writing. English for Specific Purposes: Studies for Classroom Development and Implementation, 173-193.
Curado, A. (2007). A Corpus-based Assessment of Reading Comprehension in English for Tourism Studies. Corpora in the Foreign Language Classroom, 290-328.
Curado, A. (2007). Digital Reading Strategies in Computer English. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 20, 23-43.
Curado, A. (2007). El corpus como herramienta en la traducción técnica. Entre lenguas: Traducir e interpretar, 97-114.
Curado, A. (2007). Lexical Acquisition in ESP via Corpus Tools: Two Case Studies. Scripta Manent. Journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers, 3(1), 21-34.
Curado, A. (2007). Technical L2 Learners and Fixed Expressions in Spanish. Collocations and Idioms 1, 71-85.
Curado, A. & Edwards, P. (2007). Approaches to Specialised Discourse in Higher Education and Professional Contexts. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-211.
Curado, A. & Edwards, P. (2007). Reading Comprehension as a Text / Context Focus in Tourism Discourse. Approaches to Specialised Discourse in Higher Education and Professional Contexts, 79-101.
Delicado, G. (2007). Lozana and Mary Magdalen: Ekphrasis and Hagiography in Francisco Delicado’s La lozana andaluza. Celebrations and connections in Hispanic Literature. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 125-142.
Domínguez Gómez, E., Rico, M. & Cumbreño, A. B. (2007). Relevancia del diseño gráfico en un SHA (Sistema Hipermedia Adaptativo) para el aprendizaje de idiomas en niños entre 3 y 6 años. Actas de Diseño 3. Universidad de Palermo. 67-71.
Rico, M., Agudo, J. E. & Curado, A. (2007). The Application of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems to Specific Communicative Learning Traits. Approaches to Specialised Discourse in Higher Education and Professional Contexts Binding, 1-18. ISBN: 9781847183392
Rico, M., Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., Domínguez, E. & Curado, A.(2007). SHAIEX: Diseño hypermedia para el aprendizaje de Inglés en Educación Infantil. Actas del VIII Congreso de Estudios Extremeños, 64-79.
Rico, M., Curado, A. & Edwards, P. (2007). Multi-factorial Analysis in the Design of L2 Multimedia Tasks for Primary School Children. Proceedings of the Third International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 158-166.
Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., & Rico, M. (2006). Adaptive Learning for Very Young Learners. En V. Wade, H. Ashman, & B. Smyth (Eds.), Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (pp. 393-397). Recuperado de
Agudo, J. E., Sánchez, H., Rico, M., Curado, A. & Domínguez, E. M. (2006). Adaptive Hypermedia For Foreign Language Development at Early Ages. International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, 90-101.
Cumbreño, A. B., Rico, M., Curado, A. & Domínguez, E. M. (2006). Developing Adaptive Systems at Early Stages of Children’s Foreign Language Development. International Journal RECALL, 18(1), 45-62.
Curado, A. (2006). A Corpus-based Focus on ESP Teaching. Teaching English with Technology, a journal for teachers of English, 6(4).
Curado, A. (2006). Doctorate Writing Evaluation in the EAP Setting: A Corpus-based Analysis. Actas del V Congreso Internacional AELFE, 623-628.
Curado, A. (2006). Teaching English for Tourism and Business English as a Common Approach. Professional and Academic English Newsletter IATEFL ESP SIG, 29, 14-18.
Curado, A., Rico, M., Cumbreño, B. & Domínguez, E. (2006). L2 Learners at Early Age: Digital Tasks based on Multi-factorial Analysis. CALL: How are We doing? CALL & Monitoring the Learner, 49-50.
Rico, M., Curado, A., Cumbreño, A. B. & Domínguez, E. M. (2006). Hypermedia-based Tasks for L2 learning at Pre-school and Primary Education. Current Research in Information Sciences and Technologies. Multidisciplinary approaches to global information systems.
Rico, M., Curado, A., Cumbreño, A. B. & Domínguez, E. M. (2006). Teaching Language, Values and Personal Autonomy to Very Young Learners. CALL: How are We doing? CALL & Monitoring the Learner, 175-182.