NELLIP - Network of European Language Labelled Intiatives and Projects




NELLIP, Network of European Language Labelled Initiatives Project, has been founded by the European Commission within the framework of the Longlife Learning -Key Activity 2 Languages program.

The objective of the NELLIP project is to promote the quality of language learning by applying the quality criteria used to grant the European language seal.


The project work is organized into the following main activities:

  • Identification and description of examples of good practice in the planning and implementation of language learning initiatives that have received the European seal.

  • Development of guidelines on how to plan, implement, manage, exploit and contribute to raising awareness among education professionals about the importance of the quality of language learning initiatives, based on the best practices taken as an example within award-winning initiatives .

  • Workshops to test and exploit the results of the project and disseminate them.


Project results include:

  • Case Studies on initiatives in language learning that have been awarded the European seal.

  • Examples of such awarded initiatives.

  • National and transnational reports analyzing the impact of the European seal on quality improvement in language learning.

  • Guidelines for planning, implementing, managing, disseminating and exploiting quality initiatives for language learning, in relation to the European seal.

  • Workshops to test the production.

  • Activities and conferences on the international network.

